Integration of Psychedelic Experiences
Sessions for Psychonauts! Three sessions dedicated to integrating psychedelic experiences. Psychedelic journeys are condensed experiences in which a lot of information comes to awareness. These sessions thoroughly examine every dimension of the experience,, generating tools for the healing process to keep unfolding in your day to day.
I can’t stress enough how important integration is: expanded states of consciousness and the embodiment of these states are the two parts of the healing process. Through Somatic and Energetic practices, these sessions kickstart the embodiment piece. Customized for your unique journey, these sessions open conscious awareness to repeating patterns in behavior, identifying and examining limiting beliefs, transcending unhealthy bonds, support in letting go, and empowering the individual on a cellular level.
Number of Sessions: 3
Duration of Sessions: 60 mins
Post-Partum Care Sessions
These sessions are for womxn who are struggling with the fourth trimester and the hormonal imbalances that come with it, tailored to your needs. If you are having depressive or anxious experiences, bursting into tears, feeling irritable, overwhelmed, angry, guilty or having negative thoughts, these sessions focus on resourcing yourself and creating a plan of support for you in these challenging months. You need to be at your best, so your family is at its best.
“I’ve experienced PPD myself and I know how it can feel like going into the Underworld to bring your kids to Earth. This offering are the sessions I wish I had at the time” - Lucía Cisilotto.
Through somatic and energetic approaches these sessions create a support net to navigate the mental health challenges of postpartum. Each session deepens additional sources of support in your life and generates new ones. The main goal is to regulate the nervous system back to baseline by creating a plan together. The sessions accommodate each womxn's specific postpartum needs in terms of scheduling, breastfeeding, and flexibility to join with your baby.
Let me know if you prefer a group setting, and I'll keep you informed about the upcoming one.
Number of Sessions: 5
Duration of Sessions: 60 mins
Reweaving Ancestral Bonds
Ancestral healing is the process of revealing and releasing inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by our ancestors and are still active in us; we may not even know about them. These two sessions, harmonize the residues from intergenerational trauma that are still active in your system. This healing journey goes to previous generations in your ancestry lines. Through guided meditation, intention-setting modalities, Ritual, Sound Healing, Shamanism, and other healing methods, you will be guided to your own ancestral healing journey.
Epigenetics has shown the impact that trauma can have on our lives and how we inherit our ancestor’s wounds as well as their wisdom. We cleanse, unblock and harmonize the ancestral lines so that the system can find balance, allowing information to flow again. When the ancestry lines flow, we constantly receive information in the form of Love, which is our essence.
Let me know if you prefer a group setting, and I'll keep you informed about the upcoming one.
Number of Sessions: 4
Duration of Sessions: 50 mins